Mission Trips to Haiti
Haiti Gospel Fund is dedicated to furthering the Kingdom of the Lord throughout Haiti by connecting pastors, ministries and churches in Haiti with those here in the United States. We seek those who want to come alongside and aid in the spreading of the Gospel through evangelism, church planting, orphan care, medical aid and truth of the Good News. This is accomplished by the partnerships of individuals, groups, and churches coming together to send teams to work alongside Pastor Andy and his team.
Types of Trips Taken
Each year teams have to opportunity to go to Hope Vision and impact the lives of the children and surrounding area. Teams that visit HVM, go with a purpose and a goal of completing a project. Projects vary depending on needs, but typically our teams will be driven by the following goals.
Ministry to the children of HVM
Spreading the Gospel through evangelism
Ministry through the local church plants
Skill training through seminars and classes
Meet your Sponsor Child
Mission trips to Hope Vision also offers the opportunity for a sponsor to connect with their sponsor child. Sponsors are given the unique opportunity to actually meet and get to know the child that they support. We encourage our sponsors to make an effort to build a relationship with their child, which will give you the opportunity to minister to them on a deeper level.
Trip Testimonials
I’ve been to Haiti several times and the reason I continue to want to go back is the kids. Being able to not just see them one time, but to be able to form relationships with the kids over the years is the reason I go back. Every trip is a different experience, but it is always exciting and God teaches me something every time. He never fails to teach me about his faithfulness. It is so hard to see the kids living in the conditions they’re in, but I just have to trust in God’s plan. One of the biggest ways I’ve seen God move is in the process of getting/preparing the new land. My first trip Pastor Andy was looking at a completely different area of land to buy. Now, I’ve been on a trip where we were just looking at and praying about the current land, to helping prepare it for the children over the last couple years. Seeing God’s faithfulness in this long process has been amazing.
– Katee Marlar
My trips to Haiti are always special. Each time we travel down there and see so many other mission groups in the airports and drive by so many different places of need on our way to Hope Vision; I am always reminded by God that He has matched up Pastor Andy and us for a special reason. The connections we have been able to make over the past 5 years supporting Hope Vision are irreplaceable. God somehow, someway, in His providence connected two very different groups of people together to help build His Kingdom here on earth! It has been a life changing experience for me and my family to get to partner with Pastor Andy and Hope Vision.
– Chris Barrineau
When I was a young teen, I always wanted to go on a mission trip. That opportunity finally happened at the age of 53. I didn’t have the funds but I felt God calling me saying Gretchen it’s time. I prayed Father if this is your will then I need your help to make it happen. Well God showed up and showed out. I was able to raise all the funds needed and then some. I had visions of what I thought it would be like, but it was so much more. Haiti is my heart. To go there and see how they live and what little they have is mind blowing, but to see God’s grace and love in every child’s face was so humbling. Hope Vision and Pastor Andy and his family have changed my life forever. I been blessed to go to Haiti twice and I’m praying for God to allow me another trip.
– Gretchen Flynn
I decided I wanted to go to Haiti the first time my dad went down there back in 2012. I begged my parents for a good 3 years to let me go, & then finally I got to go in the summer of 2016, & then loved it (to say the least) that I went back the following Spring break in 2017. Haiti was hard to experience at parts. Haiti is a broken country with suffering all around you, but I have never felt more close to the Lord than when I’m down there. When I got surrounded by so much suffering, the only hope I could cling to was Jesus, & through that closeness to Him, I grew in Him in more ways than I thought possible! Then… the kids!! The kids at the orphanage are PRECIOUS & you can see God through their eyes. Also, Pastor Andy and his family are some of the greatest people ever. Getting to know everyone at the orphanage was my one favorite part. Haitians are the best people I’ve ever meet. While down there we helped built-on the New Land! The second time I went down there, we put the foundation for the kitchen at the New Land, working alongside the Haitians & through the power of God, was one experience I could say was only completed by God. That is exactly how everything in done in Haiti, through The Lord & his unfailing strength. All-in-all through Haiti God taught me SO much about myself & how incredibly BLESSED I am. To add to that, Haiti took away all my comfort & all my distractions which brought me closer to my Creator, and gave me the ability to grow in Him. Haiti is one of the best places on earth!
– Faith Barrineau
Highlight Videos
Capstone Summer Trip 2018
A Behind the Scenes Look at a Trip to HVM
Capstone and Mauldin Summer Trip 2019